Best Speaker under 31 inches tall

I want to put a speaker on top of the refrigerator...Its 31.5 inches to the ceiling...I'm running Gershman RX 20 for
my main speakers..Any suggestion would be appreciated.
I would only add, that a local craft beer in growlers, arranged in a golden ratio configuration inside the fridge will lift the veil. Perhaps a bespoke flax based IPA.
My beer? Shaken, not stirred (always by hand).

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Tony, I had Genesis speakers throughout the 80's and loved them. They're what got me into hi fi. They were made in New England I recall. There's a guy keeping them alive and bought all the spare parts from the manufacturer. If you do a Google search you can find it along with all the specs of the different speaker models. 

Living in New Hampshire you have who I heard tonight might have my new pair of Harbeth Super HL5 Plus in Tiger Ebony. These would fit on top of your fridge although that's a lot of money to spend for speakers to place on top of your fridge.