DEAR AUDIOGON STAFF: Please remove/fix floating ads that block what we are reading!!!

DEAR AUDIOGON STAFF: Please remove/fix floating ads that block what we are reading!!!

Even on a high-rez MacOSX laptop, I've noticed as of late that in addition to all the ads previously added to Audiogon pages from all sorts of sponsors and vendors plus the unwanted long list of certain dealers ads taking precedence in the search results (they should have no more or less priority in results than any other ad that fits the criteria), we seem to have a new form of ad on this forum namely, ads that sit right over part of the topic or other posting you happen to be reading. This type of fly-over/pop-over ad is not uncommon in web UI development but they always have a close button of some form. The new ones here do not and they don't adjust as you scroll up or down either.

Audiogon Staff; Please fix this! I realize this is primarily a buy/sell forum and your business model has changed to favor sponsors, dealers and other advertisers of value to you but it is also about exchange of ideas and helping others in this hobby in various ways; that is very hard to do or to read someone's posted response when 1/4 to 1/3 of the right hand side of the entire posting is obliterated by an ad that won't go away.

Thank you.
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FWIW, I haven’t ever seen that occur on this site. I use Firefox on Windows 10 computers, without any ad blocker installed. I do have Firefox set to ask permission before allowing Adobe Flash to run on any site (which I generally do not grant, as allowing it to run often results in obnoxious talking ads and/or slow performance), although I don’t know if that has any relevance to this issue.

-- Al

P.S:  Are you sure that some unwanted adware app hasn't found its way onto your computer?

-- Al
Thank you all for the suggestion; I do have a pop-up blocker, anti-virus and firewall/other tools installed.  This seems to be a new behavior for previously well behaved add panels that Audiogon has had for quite some time.  They literally are sitting over the posts; this is a coding or other UI error on the rendering not adware or some external force per se.  I did an inspect on the web page code for both the page and the ad-panel and it is kosher, just not well-behaved as far as placement. To the last poster, there is no spurious adware that got installed; there is alot of work-related protection on this MacOSX laptop that prohibits such things from installing themselves as is much more prevalent in Windows....Thank you all again for the help!
I visit Audiogon almost daily on either an iMac or a Macbook Air, both running OSX 10.12.2 Sierra with Chrome as my usual browser. I've never seen any of the ad behavior you're describing.

I don't have Firefox installed but did test extensively this morning using Safari and still didn't have any of those issues.