Best Cheap Amps for Magneplanar Speakers

I want to drive some medium sized to large Maggies (1.7 or 3.7) with the cheapest possible amps that will still let them sound great.

I prefer monoblocks and by 'cheap' I mean a kilobuck or so, tho less would be fine too.  I do NOT want to spend 4 thou...
I actively tri-amp (electronic crossovers) my vintage Maggie llls. I am using McCormack ultra-modded amps for the mids (DNA-0.5) that puts out 200wps into 4Ω, and the DNA-1.0 which doubles that for the bass panel. I have an Aragon amp whic is also capable of 200 wpc for the ribbons (way overkill) Mye stands, C-J tubed preamp. Nirvana!

It would be a miracle to find a new SS amp for $1k that will outperform your Sunfire.

When I had the 2Bs, a similar budget design,  I used a Hafler DH200. It was a little dry and clinical, maybe, but it seemed to suit their character. I also tried the Dynaco ST70 which didn't have enough bass, but the mids, especially strings were decent.

Positioning is everything with these types of speakers. They need to be loaded off the sidewalls, very close, and have a good 6 to 8 feet behind them. Even an inch or two this way or that can make a huge difference. 
if you want clean SS power  Class A 60w auto switchable to ClassA/B 600w   try the Emotiva monoblocks   XPA 1 gen 2   about a grand a piece  will power Maggies beautifully with excellent soundstage and detail.  You can audition them at home with a full return policy.   If Tubes are your choice try the Cary 120MkII (stereo not mono block)  which I just saw on sale from Cary at $2800