How much difference between Dynaudio C1 & Contour 1.3SE?

I own a Coutour 1.3SE for a couple of years. I am now considering upgrade plan. Dyna's C1 is one of my planning choice. I used to listen to classical music with the tendency of thick sound (not fat or chaos in bass.). Does anyone has good experience and able to share his knowledge with me? My amp. is Audio Research SP-3 Pre (tube) and the Accuphase A47. Tks in advance.

I am also considering C1 for replacing my 1.3SE with but keep reading about C1 been more polite so not sure what will do. S25 and C2 are also on my radar as I like my rock music.

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I wouldn't say the C1 is more polite but more resolving. As far as the S25 it was a specialty speaker and with a more forward/lively sound. C2 is still a 2 way and really a pair of C1's in a larger cabinet with the DCC

Dear xti,

The 2nd hand S25 is US$3,500 and the C1 is 4,500.  I am afraid that the smaller cabinet may influence it's bass performance which will cause the shortage in instrument's body & shape or even the soundstage.

C1 design is more modern and made to create that big soundstage.
Also, unless you have a 2 times larger than average living, C1 will
give you plenty bass.
But you will not keep the C1 for it's bass qualities only.