SPU Gold Reference vs Silver Meister vs Synergy?

Anybody listened to those Ortofon SPU cartridges?
How are they different?
Here are the current SPU G lineups, in the order of their price.
95th > Royal GM MKii > Synergy GM > Silver Meister GM MKii > Classic GM E MKii > Classic GM MKii.

Ortofon does not produce any Gold SPU cartridges. Where would SPU Gold reference belong in its price?
Dear lhcho,

Sorry for late reply. I mean SPU Gold. Have not compared to Gold Ref. But I think the newer stylus don't sound as good as the older stylus. I also agree that SPU Mono sounds better than DL102.
I own all the SPU iterations including the Anniversary box set #1. I like the SPU95th most followed by the Silver Meister and then the Urushi Spirit. Synergy is too "thick". The Silver Meister A is better than the G on Ortofon arms!

if you go to theartof sound forum and type there you can find the whole chart for any SPU cartridges under the thread by "fordy" SPU Spirit...The wire is 8N copper for the coils...

Ortofon SPU SPIRIT is an interesting cartridge, but virtually unknown, it's rare, only 500 units made strictly for Japanese market. I owned this SPU Spirit number 500 (the last one) and of course it was much better than my Classic GM mk2. Anyway, i realized SPU is not my cup of tea, i'm better with high compliance vintage MM cartridges. Therefore i'm even selling my Schick Tonearm designed for SPU. (it's on ebay right now).     
Hi dear spu specialists...it ain't easy to talk about something so individually listened to...probably the whole line effects the sound you hear. Sure, you know the sound of your system...then you change the pick up...you hear the change. If you change the pre-amp...you hear a change...
If I change tubes in my power amp...I hear a lot of change...
In my ears...and mind...the main thing is, that I feel like I want to just go on listening to what I hear...
Everything else sounds wrong...