Transparent PowerIsolator 8 with Mono Blocks

Will a Transparent PowerIsolator 8 work with 600 watt Mono Block amps or do I need to get 2 Transparent PowerIsolator MM's (one for each amp) I have been led to believe that the PI 8 is more for source gear and the MM conditioners are for amps . Any thoughts ??
What you have been led to believe is correct. Get the MM for your amps, or use nothing at all on them. The last thing you want to do with a big amp is bog it down by not getting enough current to it. Even switching from a 20A breaker to a 30A breaker will improve the sound on your big boys.
I have a pair of 750's that I do that with.

Thanks for your input. I got an PI- 8 and put it it the source rack and I got a PIMM for the amps. I want to get another one so I have one for each amp but all that seems to come up for sale are the MM versions the one I have is an MM2. I have heard that the difference between them was they kept the unit the same but upgraded the supplied power cord. I have not been able to get a straight answer on this weather the actual units are any different and being that its a left channel right channel situation I cant take the chance. Any thouhgts


I would check with Transparent. They have always been helpful to me. If they are the same and the cord is not capiured, you can get one and then upgrade to a better cord.