Acoustic Zen Crescendo

I'm pretty interested in these transmission-line, full-range speakers. Has anyone spent serious time with them? How do they compare to other contenders around $16K?

Unfortunately, I'd have to fly to SoCal for an audition, so I'd like to vet them as thoroughly as possible before committing the time and expense. Press has been very positive but also very limited, and user impressions are scarce on the web.

Thanks in advance,

My listening space is 20'W X 25'L X10"H with two entry ways; one on the left and one on the right. Typical listening is around the 9 o clock position and 10 to 11 o clock would rock the house. The LM is so Much more dynamic than the Vitus with better mid-range magic and mid-bass.

Who would have thought that a 48 Watt SET would be more transparent, open and resolving... 
Wig, Tone and timbre are what I was seeking with my foray into the SET genre. Transparency, resolution and superior nuance were beyond my expectation. There are definitely similarities with our audio system development/ evolution.
Seeing as there are a few Line Magnetic 508ia cognoscenti on here, I have a question regarding your 300B driver tube experience. Has anyone used one of either the Elrog 300B or the EML 300B XLS as their driver. I know they do not meet standard 300B spec, and am concerned about using them with the Line Magnetic. I just need reassurance that they will work. 

Roger recommended the standard EML 300B in my LM508IA and those are the ones I used as well as the Sophia 300B Mesh Plates; the EMLs are more transparent/dynamic but the Sophia's are more organic sounding and musical...
