Klipsch Heresy IIL's-Opinions?

Me again. I've been intrigued by the Klipsch Heresy III for some time. Unfortunately, I can not audition a pair so I'm soliciting opinions on their sound. My musical tastes trend to electric blues, classic rock and guitar oriented jazz, in that order. I have a studio type apt. and these appear to be a good fit with the limited floor space available.
Go for it. They have a lot of life in them. If you like laid back, they're not the one, but they aren't sluggish, and they are dynamic and exciting in a small package. 
Had 2 pair back in the early 80s.  One original pair of home speakers that were stolen and then a pair of stage monitors that replaced them.  First sets of higher-end speakers I owned.  Very lively indeed, and perhaps too much so for an apartment.  They are hyper-efficient and can really project even at low volume.  I used to get a lot of complaints from my neighbors (newly renovated basement apartment in a stone building, Boston).  Listened mostly to progressive rock and fusion jazz back then.  Tube amplification works best; they can be fatiguing with SS.  Food for thought.

Good luck & happy listening!
Love my Heresy I's and Heresy II's.  The HIII's are known to be better.  I have found them to not be amplifier picky and very forgiving.  Dynamics are free wheeling.
