Floor Protection Discs

Good Morning Audiogon'ers!

Seeing if you could help me. I will be purchasing a pair of Target Audio HR70 monitor stands. Since they'll be going on a hardwood floor, I was also going to purchase Target Audio's 'Floor Protection Discs' to protect the floor. Is there a cheaper alternative -


Thanks everyone your replies. It's tax return season, so I decided to bite bullet and purchase the Target Audio discs.
Just put a penny under each spike. You probably won't be able to hear a difference between that, and a more expensive option.
I've used the penny method, but they left an imprint on my wood floors. I then used a layer of cork under the penny, and the speakers sounded even better.
Like chayro said, the Herbie Gliders are great and allow movement of the speakers with ease, I have not found anything better under my Wilson Sophia's floor spikes. they also have them in three different metals, mine are brass, the cheapest of the three.

I have seen quarters used with great success. I realize they are 25 times as expensive of that of the pennies. But they do hold their value! In seriousness, I think the thicker coin helps, definitely worth the investment to try before you buy the Targets.