Floor Protection Discs

Good Morning Audiogon'ers!

Seeing if you could help me. I will be purchasing a pair of Target Audio HR70 monitor stands. Since they'll be going on a hardwood floor, I was also going to purchase Target Audio's 'Floor Protection Discs' to protect the floor. Is there a cheaper alternative -


I have seen quarters used with great success. I realize they are 25 times as expensive of that of the pennies. But they do hold their value! In seriousness, I think the thicker coin helps, definitely worth the investment to try before you buy the Targets.

"I have seen quarters used with great success. I realize they are 25 times as expensive of that of the pennies."

Did it ever occur to you that not everyone has that kind of money to through around? Besides, quarters only sound better if you cryo them first.

go to a local machine shop and get them to cut and dimple some brass round stock cost next to nothing compared to other options and serves the same purpose. pennies and such can leave rings in your floor from the raised edge.
 kind of money to through around
Throw around 
Really! Come to the front, now hold out your hand...

I think the Target Audio discs will be good enough and $40 bucks is cheap enough.