Scientific Fidelity Crowne Joule 24k Signatures

I found a pair of these speakers locally this week-end which I have been told were made in very limited numbers.

Designed by Mike Mahoney, 60 lb monitor speakers. Minimal crossover, Solen Caps, total statement piece. I believe they sold for over $6000 when new.

the deal I got even included the matching stands! I spent Sunday giving them a listen and haven't gotten them to "sing" yet. Even with their weight, and extended depth of the speakers, I cannot get very good low end response. Anyone who has owns or have owned a pair have some suggestions? Close to a wall? corner? ...they are rear-ported and I currently have them within the room, fairly far from side or rear walls.
Hi Jon

long time no speak, hope all is well with you and your system...I will attempt to attach a pix to this posting, if I am not able I can shoot you a photo...they are really beautiful speakers.

I am placing them near side walls and further apart and gonna see what that does, but Xiekitchens assesment is fairly accurate, but I am not done yet!

the reason why I bought them was I had heard them at an audio store in the 90s in their main room, they had them sounding to the point where I was asking them if the sound I was hearing was possible from these 2 little speakers.
I wonder if you could use some high quality subs like REL, crossed over fairly high (160-180? hz)would work
i have a pair of the original Crown Joules. I am running them with some Threshold Gear that I have owned for a while now. They still sound excellent , bass is good but not excellent but they are not a large speaker. I have mine out from the wall by a couple of feet but I use the sealed 12 " Rythmik sub and it is a good combination.  Imaging and depth are worth the price of admission. In a medium sized room I have no regrets.
I have Scientific Fidelity Teslas as back up speakers. They image like crazy but lack a little color. They sound a bit gray.  Bass is not their strong suit but a very competent speaker. From what I heard Maloney got a terrible hatchet job by Stereophile and put him out of business. His drivers were quite advanced for the time.