Price increase

 Has anyone else noticed the price increase on used  B&W NauliLus speakers since the new B&W D3 speakers have come out?   They are asking more today  for the old NauliLus models that were made in the years 2001 to 2004 which is 14 to 16 years ago. The NauliLus 802 line was selling used four years ago for 3200.00 to 3800.00.  I think most sellers are trying to  up grade to the B&W D3 and this is why they have up the price on B&W  old models. But we have to think would I buy a 16 year old car and pay half the price for what it cost new ? I think not so why would we pay  such high prices for used audio gear this makes no sense at all unless we stop paying these  high prices it's just going to continue . After all ,All this audio gear is going to end up in the junk yard in the end just like  everything else .

it's not clear to me how many listings are really "New Today".  Lots of repeats from yesterday or earlier.  

Many, if not most of those, seem to be dealers. If we could filter out the Ayon and Adona listings, the number of "new" listings might be quite small. 

"Nothing to see here, move along."

The good news is that the innovative low-end sometimes is in par with old high-end.
The trickle-down of technology lowers the point of diminishing return....sometimes.  it's a matter of finding the gems.
There are a lot of dealers selling on Audiogon now.
Many private sellers have taken to other audio sites like:
US Audiomart
Canuck Audiomart
Audio Asylum Trader

There are still a few dealers on those sites, but not nearly as many as on Audiogon.

"The original N802 was a groundbreaking design with the boat tail cabinet and curvaceous polished Marlan head on top. The speakers are still stylish 17 years later. At the 5000.00 dollar price point they are still competitive with new speakers"

I'm pretty sure they were more than $5000. I bought a pair when they first came out. Didn't keep them for very long, but I know I paid more than 5. If I remember correctly, I think they were around 8k.