
I'm kinda new to the plannar/magnepan world, but I am really interested in trying out a pair after all the reviews I've been reading. From what I understand these speakers are quite power hungry. What is the minimum I need to properly drive these? 
I currently have a VAC Avatar integrated tube amp. These are the stats:
Type: Integrated vacuum tube amplifier with MM phono stage and home theater (direct power amplifier) mode.
Tube Complement: two 12AX7 low noise (phono), two 12AX7 (line stage), three 12AU7/6189A (power amplifier), and four EL34 (power amplifier)
Options: Remote control for volume (motorized direct control) & mute
Power amplifier ("Home Theater" direct mode):
Output matching: 4 or 8 ohms nominal
Power output: 60 watts/channel ultra-linear; 27 watts/channel triode
Frequency response: 9 Hz - 35 kHz +0 / -0.5 dB, 3 Hz - 71 kHz +0 / -3.0 dB
Power bandwidth: 11 Hz - 63 kHz + 0 / -3.0 db ref. 50 watts
Gain: 25 dB ultra-linear; 23 dB triode
Residual noise: 1.5 mv at 8 ohm output
Channel separation: -72 dB @ 1 kHz; -60 dB @ 10 kHz
Line stage preamplifier:
Gain: 24 dB
Maximum input signal: Infinite (attenuation precedes line stage)
Noise contribution: Approx. 0.1 mv at power amplifier output 
THD contribution: Approx. 0.04% 
Tape output: Unity gain from selector, non-inverting 
Phono stage preamplifier: 
Gain: 37 dB (measured at tape output)
MC phono stage in place of the MM optional 
Residual noise: 3 mv at output (S/N ratio approx. 69 dB) 
Overload: 117 mv @ 1 kHz = 8 volts RMS output, 460 mv @ 10 kHz 
Frequency response: RIAA +/- 0.25 dB 
Notes: Does not invert absolute phase. 

Anyone know if these will do or if I'll have to upgrade? Love the tube sound . . . will I need to go solid state for Maggies? Thanks for putting up with the noobie question :) 
Randy, as I suggested its a matter of how far one wants to take things.  As you point out, the caps in the 3.7 (Solen) are of higher quality than in previous versions, but there are several other brands that are better sounding than Solens.  By way of example: I used Solen with Wondercap bypasses and Cardas hookup wire when I upgraded my Maggies years ago.  A friend used MIT caps and Siltech silver wire in his Maggies (same model).  The improvement in the sound of mine was terrific; but his sounded considerably better than mine.  That was years ago and those caps, while still good sounding caps, are generally not even in the running for best sounding caps around; especially for the crucial tweeter and mid sections. .  I am not aware of changes in the quality of the xover components that could not be improved on.  This speaker is a tweaker's delight.  Removal of the sock is a worthwhile improvement if one can deal with the aesthetics.  Hardwiring the jumper cables and getting rid of all those steel connectors is another very worthwhile improvement.  Bypassing the mid fuse is another.  My daring friend bypassed both the mid and tweeter fuses (NOT RECOMMENDED!).  While it may seem like lunacy and overkill every step was an audible improvement.  Lots of info available on line on Maggie mods. 

     Congrats on choosing to drive your 20.1 Magnepans utilizing 2 class D Benchmark AHB2 amps (one for highs and one for lows with an active crossover). What a great combination!

     Excellent speakers driven by excellent amps, no wonder you and your father are so pleased with the results. It seems like you  have become, as I have, a very pleased user of class D amps driving Magnepans.  

     Class D amps driving Magnepans, and likely many other speakers that require substantial power for best results, are such a good match that I'd suggest that anyone looking for new amplification should audition a good class D amp before purchasing anything else.

Hi Guys, I need some advice, i am talking to a guy who has some mmg's for sale. they look very good and i have heard them. but my only concern is that someone told me that they have a issue with the adhesive and in due time they will rattle, does anyone know of this issue with them,i don't want to soak money into a pair of soon to be rattling speakers, also is there any way you can tell the year they where made? other then calling magnepan. Thank's
it happens sometimes; dunno how often (i.e. what % of units)

pricing should reflect a risk factor for that and consequent repairs

you could call the factory and ask Wendell how often it happens and if it is related to being near the ocean, in the sun, etc. AND if they can estimate a repair cost
Nobel 100 thanks - the AHB2 has some very interesting topography (class H rails) but next to zero distortion based on their innovative feed forward error correction. Worth a serious look for high performing relatively low cost amps.

Gmosley - I did many years of research before buying Maggies and read about delamination issues which were caused primarily by age, improper storage, overdriving a small speaker or combination of the above. In most cases the owner was able to fix the problems with a kit from Magnepan to re-glue the wire to the Mylar and that it was a relatively easy fix. Also for as many Magnepans that have been sold the issue rarely comes up in any forum which means there must be an extremely low failure rate. I wouldn’t worry about it at all. . .

- Steve