Playstation 3 Blue Ray quality - How good is it ?

Can it compare to Sony top quality Blue Ray Player in term of sound/picture quality?

Over at they are still really happy with the least until something better comes along. It has the least problems with new Blu-Ray formatted discs and it is really reliable. The latest firmware update now allows for upconversion.
WOW, if Kenny and Zombie are correct, I cannot even fathom just how good a stand alone player is, as the PS3 is pretty awsome. Granted, I am much more of an audiophile then a videophile...

Enjoy the search and report your finding please....jtb
Running PS3 for Blu Rays... I haven't taken the time to A/B compare, but Planet Earth (and other Blu Rays) look pretty amazing on my 50" plasma. Much better than DVD deinterlaced with an Anthem D2.

I really don't think you'd be disappointed with the PS3's video performance. Also, it decodes the lossless audio formats, and will send them PCM to my processor. No complaints here.
The demographics of typical posters at avsforum are high school or college kids who firmly believe their own $500 CD player sounds best. There are a few excellent contributors there, but I wouldn't make purchase decision based on the recommendation over there.

As others have suggested I bought mine as a stop-gap measure. It works well for me as I have a young son that will grow into the gaming portion... I get HD (blu-ray) and get to lose my old DVD player.

Personally I think streaming HD will be the way of the future... but until then I'm in.
