Playstation 3 Blue Ray quality - How good is it ?

Can it compare to Sony top quality Blue Ray Player in term of sound/picture quality?

The demographics of typical posters at avsforum are high school or college kids who firmly believe their own $500 CD player sounds best. There are a few excellent contributors there, but I wouldn't make purchase decision based on the recommendation over there.

As others have suggested I bought mine as a stop-gap measure. It works well for me as I have a young son that will grow into the gaming portion... I get HD (blu-ray) and get to lose my old DVD player.

Personally I think streaming HD will be the way of the future... but until then I'm in.

My 14 year old nephew has a PS3 (he can afford one, I can't) and I've seen 4 or 5 BDs on my brother's 47" 720p LCD with the PS3. It seemed to me that the picture could only be improved with a 1080p TV.

But, even if I had the money now to buy a PS3 or a stand alone BDP, I would wait a year. If history is any lesson, the BDPs will get even better and the prices will come down.

"Doesn't the PS3 downgrade to 480p if not used with a 1080p set?"

Nope. The PS3 can output both 1080i and 720P as well.