Am I the only one to opt-out on the Sopra 2's?

I home auditioned a pair of broken-in Sopra 2's for over a week (Clayton M 100's and Naim 272 pre).  I began by loving them but then gradually found them fatiguing.  Then I noticed that I'd been making excuses for them when high notes became painful and the sound stage seemed blurred.   So I tried Dynaudio C1's, also broken in,  and everything was suddenly better.  I ended up with C2's  and could tell a difference even when they were not broken in. All of these speakers were auditioned with a REL subwoofer.  In the end, I not only disliked the Sopra's, I disliked them a lot.  All the Sopra reviews seem to be generally favorable.  I know I'm probably in a minority, but in my system, the Sopra's were a failure.  Its been suggested that my reaction was because I was  used to the Dynaudio tweeters in my Merlin VSM's, but I think it was more than that.  Anyone else have a similar experience?
I'm new to the forum so I hope this is the right place to post.  I just received my new Sopra #2 on Thursday evening, I traded in a pair of Focal 948's.  I really like the Focal sound and the Sopras were amazing when I heard them at the dealers, however they sound really flat with no low end in my room.  I know they need a little time to break in, but I'm super stressed that they won't improve.  They are in the same position as my 948s with all the same equipment mac 2500 pre/ 452amp and VPI prime turntable.  Should I be concerned with their sound at this point?
Focal likes to de-tune their speakers with < 4 Ohm impedances in the critical bass slam region, around 70-150 Hz.

The only real fix is a really beefy amp.

If you ever take a look inside, I'd love a pic of their crossover.
Erik seems to be spot on in regards to the Sopra 2 being demanding for power right around 80-100hz. It goes below 4 Ohm and and includes pretty demanding phase angle as well. The NRC measurements published by Soundstage has both plots.

It wouldn't surprise if the bookshelf design had taken into account a less beefy amp and adjusted accordingly. Sounds like your situation was a system mismatch.
Before I purchased my Sopra no2's, I auditioned them at Overture in DE using a Hegal then a Macintosh Integrated amplifier.  They were in 2 different rooms, each well damped and setup properly.  I wasn't impressed with them in the smaller room using the Hegal.  Later I decided to give them another listen in a larger room with a big Macintosh Integrated.  There was no comparison.   I purchased a pair on the spot.  These speakers need room to breathe.  
I often see pictures of owners listening rooms with Sopra2's pushed up against the wall, next to a large TV.  UGH!  I guess the WAF won and the speakers lost.  
My setup also has a Plasma between my Sopra's but the speakers are around 5' from the wall behind the TV.  My room is 28' wide so sidewall reflections are pretty much not a factor.  That gives them room to bloom and couple to the room.  
They are also sensitive to crappy electronics.  I'm using a Simaudio 700i which is very smooth and powerful and  it's a great match.
Also, my speakers took forever to break-in.  I lost track of the hours but they are currently 1 year old and have finally settled in.
Nice speakers......I plan to hold on to mine for quite some time which I've never done with speakers before.