Low level crackling sound coming from speakers

I have a low level crackling sound coming out of speakers. The sound is very low level but is noticeable. It does not go up as the volume is increased, if it does it is very little. The sound can also be heard through my headphones through the amps headphone jack. I unplugged everything and tried other outlets. It was in both speakers so I ruled out cables first. It is also consistent among input sources, so interconnects have been ruled out. I checked the headphones today and the sound is the same as with the speakers. I am assuming it is a capacitor inside the amp somewhere possibly in the preamp stage that might need to replaced. What does everyone else think?

Gear list
Creek Evolution Amp
Schiit Modi2 Uber Dac
Audioquest Dragonfly Gen 1
Sony PS1
Project Xpression III
V-LPS phono Pre
EPOS Epic 2 Speakers
Grado Sr60 Cans
MIT Cables
Decibel app
Tidal HIFI

I would guess a loose/broken solder joint on a component somewhere near the heat sinks. 

      gs5556 could be right,  a crackling sound is usually a good indicator of either a loose or broken solder joint or that the volume pot stem needs cleaning (from dust, smoke, etc.) with a contact cleaner like Deoxit.  
" Faulty capacitor."

     It's been my experience that when capacitors go bad, they typically do so completely and do not go slowly like a bad solder joint or build ups of deposits on pot stems.  They usually don't give a warning sign like a crackling sound.  Depending on the cap's function, your first sign is one or more channels going completely out.
