R.I.P. John Wetton (King Crimson/Asia)

John Wetton passed away a few days ago, age 67.  While I never listened to Asia, I was a fan of the mid-70's small version of King Crimson (Lark's Tongue in Aspic, Red, Starless and Bible Black and the live USA LP).  He was a fine writer, vocalist and bassist.  As usual, there's a pretty complete article in the New York Times obit section if you're interested. 
Thanks for bringing attention to this.  I enjoyed Asia, even my Dad liked their songs. ..... makes me smile.  Great voice just like Greg Lake ( ELP ) who was also a member and who also passed away just last year!  RIP John.

One of my favorite voices - I liked everything he did, though Asia was a bit too "pop" for me. Those King Crimson albums he was on are my favorites by KC.