$500 USB cable

Someone is trying to sell some fancy (used and 2 ft long) USB cable for $497.50. I am genuinely curious since I am no expert. What does this ultra expensive USB cable do to your audio system (besides transferring digital data)?
jkbtn OP
01-30-2017 4:11pm

Why would some people spend that much money on a USB cable when they already know what it does?

I hoped someone could explain to me in a manner that doesn't require a professional degree in electromagnetism.

Magical thinking and G.A.S. Or it just looks cool.

I don't require a degree if I analogize it with DTV. Many of us grew up with rabbit ears and distant transmitters. We'd fiddle with the antenna to reduce static in the audio and clear up the picture. With DTV, as long as you can receive an uninterrupted signal stream you will have a great picture. Owning an expensive roof antenna vs a cheap FlatWave thing hanging on the wall makes absolutely no difference to that picture quality. Same concept with a USB cable and audio.
You know you have a crusader when he posts 3 consecutive replies with no specifics or useful information.

I just finished counting up all the blind testing results for cables over the past 40 years and the results might surprise you. 32,455 heard differences, 54 did not hear differences. I suggest we behave like adults and throw away the 54 outliers, pick up the pieces and move on.

An ordinary man has no means of deliverance.

Good point. Those 54 can download Deliverance on Netflix. I hear banjoes all of a sudden.