Receivers with Video Switching

What receivers have true video switching so I can finally retire the TV remote when switching from TV channels to DVD?
I thought my Rotel 1055 had it, but I need to switch both the receiver and TV seperately to watch DVDs. It's not that big a deal for me, but drives my wife and 12 year old son crazy when they try to watch a DVD when I'm not around.
I like the idea of the remote solution if it's realy that simple. I also heard about the Theater Master remote, but it's much more expensive than the Harmony. Anyone know how they compare?

I really liked the remote solution too and own the Harmony. However, after having changed receivers and having workable video switching and upconverting, I like the receiver method better.

One plus of the receiver doing the switching is that it never gets "out of sequence" like the remote can when someone turns something off independently of the macro.

I have both and the Harmony is currently sitting on a shelf. BTW, I also owned a Theater Master which was provided as the system remote for a B&K receiver I used to own. It was a PITA in my opinion. Given the choice, I would easily take the Harmony for simplicity. But now I simply use the receivers remote for everything and the video switching is a big help.
