Question for BPT owners....

I am about to install a BPT 2.5 into my system for balanced power. I currently use a Furman Elite 15pfi for everything except my amp. As I was sitting in my living room just now my entire household power flickered and then went out for about 15 seconds before coming back on. This doesn't bother me too much because I know the Furman will protect my equipment. Can anyone tell me their experience with loss of power with a BPT unit in their system? I know they draw lots of power on start up so how does that affect equipment plugged into it? TIA
I purchased my BPT new over 7 years ago.  Despite the excellent quality of their products I believe that they went out of business several years ago (to the best of my knowledge). 
I purchased mine here on the 'gon. Yes they are out of business which is surprising given their obvious high customer satisfaction, quality of their product and the great price point. Perhaps they simply did not charge enough for their product. I'm glad to have found one. 
I see you have mentioned Equitech somewhere too in another thread - perhaps at one time you had a Son of Q or something?  Did you ever try the 1.5RQ or the 2RQ etc?  And may I ask why you switched to BPT?  I am thinking of balanced power and am curious about the difference between these two highly regarded brands.  I sometimes see a good condition used BPT unit for sale.  In fact I just picked up a small 2.5 amp BPT unit with two isolated outlets, as well as 6 straight distribution type outlets without any isolation or current limitation.  I thought it might be a good way to get my toes wet with balanced power. I will use the four outlets with isolation for my digital playback system and the rest for my integrated tube amp.  And if I like this I might get something for the amp too.  Just wondering if you or anyone else here has any thoughts on my plans or specifically on these two brands.  Right now I am using a Furutech TP80.  In the past I have used a Synergistic Powercell Mk3.
Thank you for any insights.
I just saw the other thread where you posted about BPT and said you actually don't know Equitech so I was clearly remembering reading someone else's comment about Equitech's Son of Q etc.  Anyway, if you or anyone have any thoughts about my using the CPC I just bought on digital source units please let me know.  Thanks anyway

A friend of mine just received a Son of Q unit that had been on order for several months. He learned that during that time the owner, Martin Glasband had some serious health issues and had to have some family members step in to manage the business. If you are interested in the unit, I would give them a call prior to ordering to see what delivery would be. My friend also said that during his conversations with Martin he learned what a true genius he really is. They make a great unit.