Arcam DV79 and Samsung DLP - your thoughts please

Hi - Am looking to upgrade my very trusty and still quite beautiful Mitsubishi 35" CRT and Cal Audio 2500 DVD player. Goal is of course HD playback from satellite and an improved DVD experience.

For the TV I am looking hard at the Samsung HL-R46, a DLP device which because of its trim bezel will fit into the existing space (40 1/2" wide). I know the blacks aren't quite there compared to a CRT so I would like to hear from anyboy who has made this type of change... BTW The other choice is one of the Sony CRTs.

While the primary signal source will be the Direct TV satellite and a off air antenna, I would like to upgrade the Cal and move to HDMI. The reviews of the Arcam DV79 are pretty close to spectacular - given that the Samsung does some signal processing, should I care that the Arcam does not output 1080i? What else should I be considering in the under $2K range?

BTW I will run HDMI to the display and an Toslink to my B&K. After this is in I may consider changing out the B&K for the Arcam 300 - anyone done that? Have seen a few posts suggesting that the B&K remains the better unit but nobody ever talks about how good a B&K sounds... Besides the satellite and the DVD, I also use a SB2 (Squeezebox 2) to play my digital audio library

Thanks in advance for all your help

First off the Samsung DLP's native ate 720p, so you wouldn't need/see any benefit from 1080i, you would force both your player and TV to convert your signal, and possibly see more artifact.

Second, the blacks won't be as dark as with a CRT, but the detail you will get with a digital feed (HDMI/DVI) to a digital display is a significant improvement IMHO.

Third I would recomend you try the coax digital out....
I recommend you go to and read the different opinions,there. I also think it's important 'where' you buy it as some retailers have shown much indifference on warranty issues.(CC being one of 'em)