Agoners: Need Advice! Have 3K to spend on an Amp, what do I do with no way to audition?

Looking for a solid State Amp, something that will go for 30 years or more (My Last Amp), so I don't need high maintenance, with at least 200 WPC @ 8 ohm load.  SO many to choose from...I've narrowed my choices down to several brands, due to the consistency of great reviews; Krell, Pass Labs, Audio Research, McIntosh, Mark Levinson, Classe.  Now looking serious at a couple by Krell or Pass.  I love most types of music, classical, jazz, rock, punk, electronica, metal, but not Rap & Country.  I love great detail in my music, fast and bold but rich and  warm, played soft or loud with a big soundstage, love bass slam and crisp highs, too much midrange hurts my ears. Which amp does it all???  Wife has me limited to this, you know how that is :(...Please help me out here folks...I've been in this dilemma for a few years, it's time to make a decision and buy! 


So you're saying to buy what I want, and keep looking trading until I find the perfect one?  I'm running B&W 802 Matrix 2s, so no adjustment on the tones, they are midrange strong in many cases so having a bass/treble adjustment on preamp is almost a must.


Thank you, for the recommendation. have seen a few of the Aesthetix amps, the used ones are still out of my price range. I'm aware of the recapping process needing to be completed, I've seen an average of every 10-20 years, depending on amount of amp use. So I am willing to put up with it, just making sure to buy American for that reason as well.

toddverrone, definitely considering class D!  Several out there I'm looking at as the cool running.
Which amp does it all???

None, sorry. Asking any component to offer great detail, but also be rich and warm is asking the impossible. 
When looking for a newer component, it helps if one knows which general direction they want to proceed in. Generally speaking, fast, detail, transparent is one direction, while warmth, musicality, and richness is the opposite direction. One cannot head east and west at the same time.

The best you can do is find an amp that will balance these attributes to your personal tastes. Anyone can tell you what works well for them in their system. However, that does not mean that the same amp will work well with your gear and suit your musical tastes.
All of the amp manufacturers that you list will have their fans, and have had success in certain systems.

That said, I own a pair of Pass Labs XA-100.5 monoblock amps. I would describe their sound as leaning towards the warm and musical side of neutral. Many who use Pass Labs will try to add a bit more detail with more revealing speakers, preamp, etc. Many, like myself, will use an ARC preamp with the Pass Labs amps to help provide a bit more resolution, and steer the sound back to neutral. My speakers are also very revealing, so the Pass Labs amps add a bit of musicality and warmth to balance the detail and resolution of my preamp and speakers.

too much midrange hurts my ears

That is an interesting comment. I don't recall hearing that before.
Could you describe what "too much midrange" sounds like?