Wilson Sasha 2 or Alexia for small room 10' x 17'?

I went to audition the Wilson Sabrina at a local shop. I so wanted to love these speakers because of the reviews, price and compact size. Unfortunately, I could not (don't hate me  Sabrina owners). I did, however,  fall in love with the Sasha 2. It seemed to do everything and more that I was looking for and I am hoping this speaker will be a speaker I can live with for a very long time. After thinking about it, I wondered, is the difference between the Sabrina and Sasha 2 smaller or greater than the Sasha 2 and current Alexia? The room has  good acoustics, Mcintosh C50 pre, MC152 amp and as noted above, is very small. Would there be too much bass and overwhelm the room. I have not heard the Alexias and was wondering if any owners or listeners familiar to both can comment on the differences and similarities and give impressions as to how they might work in my small room. I currently own and like very much the  Sonus Faber Venere 3.0 but am looking for more. At this point, I am pretty sure I will go with the Sashas  but am looking for guidance from someone with experience especially since it is very hard to locate the Alexias and hear personally.  Thanks for your opinions
Can you hear sbank with your tin ear?

Once again, you misrepresent what has happened in this thread. You say that I "hijacked" the thread.
Let’s review: The OP asked a number of questions designed to assist him in deciding which Wilson speakers he should purchase for his room. I provided an answer to all of his questions based upon my actual experience with Wilson speakers and different room sizes.

You swoop in to promote the Personas as the equal of Alexias for 20K less. Not so bad IF you had not been so overbearing about the Personas at great length and in excruciating detail in another thread by saying there, in sum, that they were made of the unquestioned best drivers known to man (beryllium) and engineered with the best R&D in audio, worth multiples of their price and, indeed that the Personas bested the $100k + Kharmas you guys had in your shop.
I agree that the Personas are very good speakers, a bargain for the money but to quote you from that thread:

"I have heard $100k Rockports, $120k Kharmas and $70k plus Wilsons, $70k Vandersteens, the Persona 9H can match any of them and in many areas out perform all of these major players, I would also include $70k Magico in this mix."

NOW, having heard all of the above speakers on many occasions including the Personas, I believe you have greatly overstated your case there and here.
That, in and of itself, does not give me the right to criticize a regular member of the Audiogon community, and I would not do that. Some people maintain that the Quad esls are the best speakers ever made. I can understand and would not dispute that opinion But you represent a dealer, and one owned by a hyperventilating, hyperbolic one at that (with whom I have had a number of such encounters, the last being a number of years ago when he tried to hard sell me and others the "last and best digital player I would ever need" (the fabulous and legendary Memory Player) with the "best overall speaker on the market period "(that would be the Ushers--at least they are still in business) The 4 unrelated people in the room with me that day looked at each other in surprise and commented in the hall as to what a turn off Dave’s sales job was.

So naturally, when you invade a thread having nothing to do with the OP’s question and try once again to sell the Personas here--I have to ask--do you have access to a dictionary?
Now look up the word "hijack". Enough said on that topic.

As for me impugning your company, integrity and motivations--well, I’ll let others decide.

Grpu please just shut up. Your relentless attacks and tirades are tiring you bring nothing to the table, and you hold a grudge about sitting in a demo and being sold to what 10 years ago, when a dealer presented Usher speakers as offering great sound and being  reasonably priced.

To this day the memory player continues to amaze people who have heard it, so what is your point, go hear Clement Perry's $500k system it uses a memory player by the way.  

So your feelings where hurt by a man whose presentation was "hyperbolic" in your terms by representing products which were under priced and  over performing? As I pointed out previously in the following years the Usher Be 718 and DMD 718 received scores of fantastic reviews. 

As per your conduct here, I made one reference to the Personas as having room correction and costing $20k less then the Alexias,  if this man could find a speaker with unique room correcting capabilities that might actually perform better then a pair of Alexias or Sashas in his room, gee what a crime, we got this man to have better bass, and saved him $20k, wow what a bad guy to have pointed out a unique product that Cupracer wasn't thinking about or knew about, by the way that is what Forums are supposed to be about a free exchange of ideas. 

If you cry foul every time anyone bring up anything different in a Forum you will be eliminating why Forums exist in the first place.

Both Dave and myself learn from other peoples experiences and we are always finding and testing new products sometimes based on what people have said in a Forum. 

As per your critique on our comments, we have tested several fantastic and pricey speakers in the same room under the same criteria, we have been on a high performance loudspeaker bender for quite a while:

We have tested the following speakers under identical testing methodology

1: Kef Blades, a $32K speaker that sounds like a $70k speaker as also stated by one of the British mags, we love the Blades the Personas do certain things way better.

2: Polymer Research MKX-S $70k 400lb all metal cabinet with Acuton Diamond midrange and tweeter, one of the most remarkable speakers ever built in some ways better than the Personas, in other ways not, and at twice the price we decided to focus on the Personas which compete against them.

3: Kharma DB 7 and Elegance brought in for evaluation, and both sounded great the $120k Elegance sounded very good but was not better then the Personas in any appreciable way and were huge in physical size so we passed on them.

4: We had a pair of trade in Maxx 3 by the way also here.

Lastly a man who owns Wilson Watt 8 heard the Personas at our shop, with the right matching equipment, and was blown away by them and stated they sounded way better the his Watt Puppy 8, or don't you read?

The Personas are incredibly transparent and are one of the most holographic speakers I have ever heard and again TAS gave them one hell of a positive review: 

 "Good things do come in a relatively small packages although this is a nearly 300 lb speaker that is 51 inches high. It uses four new ultra high excursion woofers, two 700 watt amps and ARC 2 digital room compensation to produce incredibly deep, accurate bass flat to 19hz and going as low as 15hz. It also features an advanced beryllium tweeter and midrange driver and provides equally outstanding midrange and treble performance in every aspect.

Detail dynamics, depth and imaging are all excellent.
Sensitivity is 96db, allowing use with even low power triodes and providing, an exceptional sense of life with more powerful amps, AHC forthcoming" page 54 Absolute Sound Editors Choice 2017.

Gee again I wonder if again we will be right championing another really superb product, just like the Ushers and Scaenas, before them.

I guess we must have paid off Anthony Cordesman to say the Personas are great speakers. 

Please go stick your head in the sand I guess you won't be able to learn from someone who knows more about sound reproduction then you do.

Hey Audiotroll: Still pitifully defending your bad conduct. As I've said before-- What a bore.  Oh yea, I like and respect Anthony Cordesman and he found the Personas to be nice speakers for the $ as I knew he would because they are. Note that his references remain Alexias and Legacys. By the way, due to your complete lack of comprehension, you fail to realize that a number of members have called you out on this thread.  
So--stop trolling, stop selling, and I'll stop hounding you.
Why don't you start your own thread on the Personas and preach to someone who cares. Maybe I'll troll that thread and steer it off course with lengthy dribble from all of my experience in testing, listening to and comparing audio components (probably considerably more than yours) so you can see how it feels. 
No I am trying to shut down yours! You keep inciting a response.

Mr. Cordesman obviously feels that the Personas are a world class product, if I already owned product X that is a different question as to weather or not I would switch to it and we sell Legacy's by the way so I guess again we also believe in what Mr. Cordesman says.

Why don't we just throw it out to the Forum members I don't know what part of the country you are in but if you are on the East Coast, why doesn't some of the Forum readers come and hear your system and come and hear ours and then post their responses.

I am more than willing to bet anyone who comes to our shop and listens to our Persona setup is going to be blown away by them and the sound we are getting, I wonder if under that same criteria whose system will they would prefer.

As per you your obnoxious behavior means probably you can't be taught anything.

As per experience, unless you work in the audio business, it would be impossible for you to have the experience of someone who does this full time for a Living. Dave has been in the business for 27 years, being the top salesman for Sound by Singer as well as Innovative, and he like myself owned Wilsons, as well as selling and setting up hundreds of different systems in that 27 year spread, and just to be clear, I am not saying the Personas or any other speaker is better than a Wilson, I am saying as I have said in every post this is a world class product that deserves consideration in and above its price point, it is for the listener to decide what product is the right product for them.

You won't have to wait too long the Absolute Sounds issue with the Personas is coming out soon. 


Please Grpu just stop retorting, the only reason I keep on posting is to defend my position, in the face of your continued attacks, and to clairfy what I said, and for the record I agree this is a Wilson thread.

I am happy to move on are you? Please don't type anything, just lets get this thread back on track and assist Cupracer with his setup if he needs any additional guidance on how to setup and voice his Wilsons and what to do if he has any serious bass nodes and room loading issues.