It is a good idea to purchase a vintage tube pre-amp.

Since the new one are pretty expensive and what I can afford is an old one with budget of US$2000~3000. Since I don't have much knowlege on electronics, but I have authentic listening capabilities. Is it good idea to buy an old gear of tube pre amp. around 10 or 15 years such as Audio Research SP-15 or something similar (the newer one within my budget is better of course).  I would prefer a stable, long time use gear without much trouble.
@baranyi, I'd second the Modwright SWL 9.0 Anniversary Edition which is $2900 mspr + $300 for the optional phono stage (with the caveat there are no balanced connections). The Backert Labs pre also looks like a bargain.
                 They are both great pieces! I conflated a couple of preamps in my last post. It is the Linear Tube MicroZOTL2 ( which I have on order and obviously thought was sensational) and I'm sure Line Magnetics must have some tasty offerings in that price range. Terry London who is a great friend and a reviewer for Home Theater Review has written about most of these. 


After using a Accuphase C275V SS pre, I find my old tube amp. sounds much better with thick, solid, string which unlike SS's thin sound reproduction. I think, I'll try to find a bargain good tube.

No need to buy a vintage tube preamp when Don Sach's is offering a SOTA tube preamp, based on the venerable 6SN7 octal tubes, for around $2K, plus/minus.  I got one of his prototypes and have had him incorporate his upgrades to his current offering, and it is a stunningly fine preamp.  Google Don Sachs and look at this line stage. It is by far the best preamp I have ever heard in my system by far and I have had more vintage tube preamps that I can recall.  I reckon I could not improve on its performance for under ~$10K.  Good luck.