Best budget integrated choices

I had a Sugden A21 some years ago but it died an unfortunate death.

I am looking for a budget (defined as as cheap as possible) integrated to power my LS3/5a V2 (a little easier to drive than the original) to not loud levels.

I worked myself into a tizzy of joy reading reviews of the Onkyo A-9010 Integrated Stereo Amplifier to only find out that the UK version is the one voiced (if I can say that) with a nice warm presentation.  I am a tube guy at heart but appreciate a warm SS amp.

What else should I be looking at.  I am a but apprehensive on used SS after mine died.

There are a lot of Jolida integrated amps around for less than 1500 bucks, many are newer versions with remotes and plenty of power from 6550s, el34s, etc…and tubes can make you seem like you care…maybe...
It seems like everything I read about PrimaLuna is positive.  One of those even lower end may be a good choice.
I think Jolida provides better value than Prima Luna at around half their price, but Prima Luna has a large advertising budget and Jolida has seemingly none, and my comments about those guys are free (hint hint JOLIDA!).
I have one of these that I am very happy with. Not warm. Neutral, yet sweet. It takes the edge off a pair of Cantons I’ve heard described as bright. I can listen all day.

I wouldn’t consider Marantz, Arcam, or Parasound moving up. However, If I found $1500 to $2000 under a rock I’d be down at my dealer’s store comparing a Rogue to Belles Aria so fast it would make your head spin. Then one town over for the Prima Luna. I've never heard a Jolida.