morrow ma1 interconnect

This is a review of this low budget interconnect. The Morrow MA1 is one of the worst peace of junk i ever heard! Sorry to say it but it’s the truth. And, all that about the burn in process is nonesense. I believe in burn-in, but these cables don’t. I sit down to listen to them after 120 hours and they sounded terribly thin, lightweight and bright. These cables do not have any body at all in the vocals and no weight in the low frequencies. Even the highs sounded very thin. They did not change much after 600 hours!!!! All that compared to my budget interconnect king Atlas Equator MKII. I returned them for a full refund. Very annoying sound and a big disappointment.
I do not believe in system synergy very much. That is just an excuse for a bad sounding product. Oh, it doesn't sound good, blame it on synergy. I have tried two Nordost cables. One interconnect  and one power cord. Both of them had the exactly same sound and character: extremely thin, bright, light. I have read tons of reviews of Nordost cables that say the same thing. Keep away from Nordost cables, unless your system sounds dark, heavy and boomy in the bass and you want to tame it and add clarity. They might be good for tube systems. By the way i think the official price of the MA1 intercoonect is $68 not $49. That is a discounted price. Still, my reference interconnect is the budget Atlas Equator MKII (45 UK pounds). Perfectly natural, musical, with excellent tonal blance. All frequences on the same level. I couldn't believe that it sounded so much better than the $200 Nordost and a Zu Wylde that i think used to sell for $349........!!!!
The MA 1 is listed on the Morrow website for $49. With their current promotion it can be bought for $32. At that price I think expectations should be tempered. Also, if you don't believe in synergy, how do you explain the the many happy users of Morrow and Nordost?
If you don't believe in system synergy, then you must not have heard a component before that sounded crappy in one system and fantastic in another.  
If your system sounds bright you may also check for your speakers being wired out of phase. Maybe the MA-1's simply don't work for you but a friend of mine used them with good quality gear and his system sounded great. If something else works better then simply move on, I see no reason to beat up on Morrow. 
Yes, there is a reason. Morrow is extremely hyped. They say that their products sound so much better than much higher priced cables from top brands!!! Well, they don’t. My system does not sound bright at all. It sounds close to neutral and i can easily hear what kind of sound each cable has! Also, as far as synergy, i think that synergy is important in the amp-speaker combination. How and if the amplifier can drive efficiently the speakers. There, yes, synergy might be very important, especially with tube amps......! By the way, Atlas has a moto that i discovered lately. They say that their cables sound great in every system. Nordost and Morrow might sound good only in tube amps and tube cd players, or like i said earlier,in a system that has some serious problems.