Receiver Upgrade - Denon vs. Rotel

I currently have a set of Paradigm Reference Speakers. Studio 60's v.2 (front), Studio CC (center) and Studio 20's v.2 (rear).

I have used a Sony receiver 444ES for a couple of years, and now would like to upgrade to something a little better.

First I had in mind the Denon AVR-3806. Then I spoke with a friend which told me to look into Rotel's RSX-1056.

To be honest, I also looked into spending a little more and go with the following setup: Rotel's RSP-1068 + RMB-1077.

The bottom line is that I am confused. Is the Rotel much better then the Denon's? And, is it much better to go with separate proc./amp.? Any input would be highly appreciated. Thank you all in advance. Sincerely,

Gustavo S.
I recently helped a friend put a system together based upon an HT receiver, and it came down to the Denon 3806 versus the Rotel 1056. The Rotel sounded significantly better to both of us, and I was very impressed with its performance on the whole. I have an RSP-1066 (predecessor to the 1068) in my own system, and it has been an excellent performer for me.

If it were me, I'd go Rotel, for sure, and the main decision would be receiver versus seperates.

Cheapmike has it pretty close to correct there,regarding upgrade. However, upgrading to a pre/pro, the Rotel is a worty entry level competitor for dynamics and processing. Not as refined as some, but pleny strong and reliable.
As for receivers, I think most nothing out there is really worth a hoot for the two cents. Receivers are just conveniently packaged bundles of "compromise" really. Personally, I keep going back to pre's every time I decide to give some receiver a shot in one of my systems. Just that much better separates are.
If you go with the Rotel be sure to buy a universal remote. That Rotel remote is the biggest P.O.S. and probably won't last a year.
I have both those items...great deal and sound, better features and settings than NAD wich I looked into aswell.