Dipole surround speaker to match KEF 104.2?

I have KEF 104.2 speakers for front L/R and a KEF Model 100 center channel speaker. Any suggestions for dipole surrounds up to $500 per pair new/used? Also, in a 7.1 system, should the "Surround Back" speakers be identical to the "Surround" speakers? Or can I use my old Paradigm Titans in "Back" with some new dipoles in the "Surround" position? Thank you.
If Kef made a speaker with the same mid and tweeter as your 104s, I would buy 4 of those.

Dipole surrounds pre-date Dolby Digital 5.1 and 7.1 processing technology. Dipoles were really designed for the early dolby pro-logic processing with diffused mono surround. Think of your theater system as a 7 channel stereo. Would you use a dipole for the center, left or right? I think not. The dolby website recommends 5 "identical" speakers.
Thank you for the good suggestions. The Dolby website does recommend identical speakers, but interestingly the THX website recommends "diffuse" surrounds (dipoles) on the sides, and monopole back surrounds placed together, for 7.1 use.

Maybe for critical SACD or DVD-A listening, identical monopole speakers would be best, but I plan to mainly use the multichannel mode for movies, and stick to 2 channel for music. (I may change my mind after I listen to a SACD or DVD-A, which I have not done yet.)

More comments/suggestions would be welcome.
I am using a $500 (new) pair of Definitive Technology BP-2X bipole rear speakers with KEF 101/2 for front L&R and the model 90 center. Sounds great even with SACD and DVD/A.