where do i go from here?

i have a denon 3802, and a conrad johnson amp (100w)i use from the pre outs, pair of paradigm 9mk11, paradigm ps1000 sub. i am looking for bigger sound stage and more brilliant sound. what is my next move? i use the denon on direct using the satalite as a music source and i doubt that will change. i listen to alot of 2 channel. i have no prob with the 5 channel theater. do i hook the cj dir. to the dish with a volume control? new speakers or separates? any help would be wonderful thanks bryon, i am a member
I don't know what cables you're using and how much you're willing to pay, but I'd start with a new processor. The Arcam AVR100 stomps the Denon, IMO. You could get one for around $500 used. If you want Pro Logic II, get the AVR200 for around $750. You'll definitely hear things with the Arcam that you're missing with the Denon. The Denon always sounded a little light and tinny to my ears.

Next, get a pair of Kimber Heros for under $100 for your mains. They would expand your soundstage, and give you a more dynamic, open sound.

Good luck.
i got a pair of good cables (i dont know who makes them) from a paradigm dealer, to go btween the cj and the denon. as far as between the amp to the speakers is a 10 or 8 gage wire. i wouldnt mind selling the denon. spending 500- 1000 on a new processor, but then i would have to buy a surround and front amp i would like dd, dlbpro11 also a room calibrator. is the denon still tinting the music even though i have it on direct(vs stereo)and using the cj as the main amp? thank you for your response friz. sincerly bryon
Bryon84, I would only add that from the Arcam to the Kimber Heros recommendations, I would agree with Friz1313.
Happy Listening!
I would also consider a decent DAC if you're really wanting to stick with the SAT as your main source.