Do I really need a processor?

Hello all, I'm buying my folks an HD setup for the format switch early next year components will be as follows: 5020 Pioneer Kuro, Oppo DV-983,and bookshelf 5.1 system (maybe klipsch) with a svs sub. My question is that since my parents will not be interested in switching sources, and the Oppo supposedly has pretty good D/A conversion built in, could I set something up with amplification running from the analog outs of the Oppo and skip buying a receiver or processor? The oppo is also supposed to have good enough video processing that I shouldn't need a separate component for that right?
Any advise or opinions would be appreciated
You need a reciever or Processor if you want to do it right, the distance delay, crossover and levels are set by these units, go used they are stupid cheap.
While this is nice of you to do for your parents, are they going to understand and need all of this ?
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Typical consumer processors and receivers are way too complicated for parents. I would go with a single speaker system, like Yamaha YSP or Niro.