Others experience re: subs and Magmepan 20

I have a pair of Magnepan 20r’s. Have enjoyed them for years. In my room they go to about 30Hz, response way down at 25Hz.

I am experimenting with a pair of Janis subs. This gets the response to about 25 Hz then down a lot at at 20Hz. It adds a little something but not I am not bowled. over. I hear and feel a bit (in my chest) on some music.

I would like to hear about others have experience with adding subs to nearly full range speakers?

Did you feel you got your money’s worth for "a few silly Hz"?

Hi Duke,

Very interesting and very important for the OP, imdoc.

I agree he may be better served with a custom distributed bass array but that he should use subs with even larger drivers for more bass quantity. The chosen subs should be ’voiced’ flat, not -3db down below 80 hz like the Debra and Swarm subs are to compensate for room gain in typical rooms. The main points being the use of larger and voiced flat subs would better suit imdoc’s desire for more deep bass response.
I know the Debra/Swarm DBA system is a great solution for mating seamlessly with Maggies and it does have good deep bass impact in my room and system; bass I do feel in my chest on some music and HT content. However, I’m more concerned with the quality of the bass than just the quantity. But I understand this doesn’t mean the Swarm/Debra’s bass will be sufficiently deep to satisfy imdoc.
Finding a good bass system solution for imdoc, one that integrates well with his large Maggies and also is capable of producing exceptionally deep bass on a consistent basis, may be possible but it would likely be extremely expensive.

Imdoc seems to be looking for a hi-end bass system at a bargain price. I think we’re all aware he’s not going to attain this with his pair of Janis subs no matter how hard he tries.

Before we can give any further meaningful advice, I think it’s important to have a description of his room and his budget.

Currently, my thought is he has 3 main choices in the form of good/better/best and depending on his room and budget:

Good= Obtain 1, or perhaps 2, additional Janis subs and experiment with placement for best performance. This is likely the least expensive option, although I’m not sure of the which Janis model sub he currently has, its cost or whether he has the room for 1-2 more subs.

Better= Purchase a Swarm or Debra complete DBA system for about $3,000. Very likely to blend well with his speakers but unsure if it will provide enough deep bass impact to satisfy.

Best= Create a custom DBA system using 4 subs that utilize 15" drivers and are ’voiced’ as flat. Definitely the most expensive option (likely at least $6,000 but actual cost dependent on subs preferred). Most difficult aspect will probably be finding subs that blend well with his large Magnepans but having the room for 4 larger subs is also a concern.

randy 11,

   You asked:  " can you explain option 2 betterZ?"

  Not sure, but I think you're looking for a link to the Audio Kinesis Debra system.  I would not use "DBA" on google searches.  This is just an acronym I created for "Distributed Bass Array" that I don't believe is in wide use by others.  Google   "Distributed Bass Array" and you'll get more relevant info like Dr. Geddes's research and James Romeyn's Debra system that I own.  Here's the link for the Debra:

randy 11,

     Just to be fair, here's a link to the almost identical Audio Kinesis Swarm DBA along with a link to a 2015 review of this system in the Absolute Sound:



["I would like to hear about others have experience with adding subs to nearly full range speakers?

Did you feel you got your money’s worth for "a few silly Hz"?"]

Silly Hz? Considering how silly post production can get, many recordings have the extra low rumble frequencies almost completely  EQd out while others have reclocked and compressed the lows to an "artsy?" one note boom. 

Do you want to simply set it and forget it and if there happens to be some low frequency you'll hear it or do you want the luxury of one touch remote preset control of most of the main ELF variables?

Yeah, those last few Hz are silly, silly like crack. I love my subs. 
Subwoofer technology has advanced greatly since 2008. There are now many good subwoofers available and a few reasonably priced great DSP subwoofers.