If NOS pre or power tubes became unavailable altogether, what new tubes would you buy?

Hey tuberollers, 

I'm curious to see what happens if there's a gun to your head, or more practically all NOS tubes disappear (dread).  What would you do with your line/pre stage and/or power stage?  

I have tried 5 different NOS 12AU7s and only 1 new 12AU7 in my preamp section (Cifte, RCA black plates (late 50s), Sylvanias, Baldwin organ tubes, Amperex 70s orange globes, and new Chinese stock Primaluna tubes).  In my power section, I have not tried any NOS tubes and 3 types of tubes (stock Chinese Primaluna EL34s, reissue Mullard EL34s, and reissue Gold Lion KT88s).  

Side note: I haven't ventured into NOS power tubes because of the cost and availability/scarcity.  I need 8 of them!

Without having tried anything else, I would be lost on new or reissue 12AU7s.  On the power tube side, I'd be just fine with either the reissue Mullard EL34s or the Gold Lion KT88s.  
@rauliruegas that's great you posted things here first.. you didn't invent them, though, so get off your high horse. 
The most consistent new tube I've used over the past 8 years has been Shuguang Black Treasure ( KT88, CV181-z, 12AX7 LS ) and Psvane (12AU7, 12AT7).

Shuguang Black Treasure:

Shuguang Custom 12AX7 LS, Psvane 12AU7, 12AT7:

I can see it now a Mexican on a big white horse wearing a tee shirt

with a picture of a 300b with a circle with a cross through it .

Ok Raul I agree with the DD turntable camp as well as the multiple subwoofers and have heard the Technics epc 205 cartridge . and agree it is one of the best . I am on the fence with the tubes and need to try some good SS gear to compare . I would like to here your thoughts on your digital front end . I am using a AOIP set up with a Foccusrite Red Net 3 to a Metrum  NOS type DAC