Tips on dealing with audio dealers

Where I live we don't have stereo stores that handle high end audio equipment. So, I need some guidance. Can I order a preamp from an audio store and have it shipped to me? I know Mcintosh won't let you do that. Does Audio Research? How about prices? Are they set in stone or negotiable? I don't have a dealer and have never dealt with one so can some of you guys suggest a good one? I am considering the REF6 but for a good price I would consider a 5SE. I have heard there are a number of 5SE's for sale but I haven't run into any yet. Any advice you guys can give me would be helpful and much appreciated.
ivanj wrote: " In the USA all retailers have to be offered the same cost price as a rule by Federal law."

What Federal law would that be?  Most states used to have so-called Fair Trade Laws under individual state UCCs, but these have been done away with over the last thirty years for the most part.

While it is typically considered a poor business practice that does not encourage dealer loyalty, to my knowledge there is no Federal law preventing a distributor from offering differential pricing to dealers.  In fact many distributors do offer price incentives based on volume, combination orders of more popular and less popular models and local market conditions, among other promotional incentives.

May be the law but if so I am 100% sure ,like most US laws, it is not enforced .
Always ask for a discount. I just picked up a Parasound Halo integrated new and was given 20% off retail. Only a few hundred more than the used market.
>> In the USA all retailers have to be offered the same cost price as a rule by Federal law.  <<
Not even remotely true.
>>If its ten Grand , mark up can be 60% depending on the company <<
More like 10-15% on average...

Brush up on your knowledge especially about the product you want and its competition. Once the dealer realizes you are not an ordinary schmuck, you'll gain respect and discounts.