Best way to set gain

My new system consist of Accuphase; A-70 x2, C-2850, DP-720, DG-58, with ASLC-15 x4, and AHDL-15 x2 front end. With Martin Logan; Renaissance ESL 15A, Sony; HAP-Z1ES and Torus RM 75Bal. My question to members is what is the best way to set the gains on the amp and preamp. Which is to say should one set one high the other low such that at mid volume setting is at the level I would normally listen to. Or should one just choose settings that do not over drive the amp when at max volume. In which case should one just select gain settings the same on both units that will not overdrive amp. Opinions welcome.  
I just re read your original post and do I understand correctly you have 2 A 70,s ? if so why not just buy the A200,s ?

Either way if one or the other is correct WOW should sound awesome.

Hi again tecknik;

That's a good question on the A-70s, I spent a lot of time sole searching on that decision. At first I was going to get the P-7300 x2 and the Martin Logan Neoliths, which I then would have only being able to get the C-2850, DP-720 and nothing else. This I would have done to play with Hort./Vert. bi-amping plus bridged. At the time of ordering I decided if I went for the Neoliths I likely would have ended up building an addition to my house to put them in. Being that I am getting a little long on the tooth and retirement is only a hand full of years away I did not want to go though having to come out of pocket for everything else later. Note if you had not gathered by my posting this was an insurance claim which had a whole bunch of Kaliedescape equipment in it valued at about $45k Canadian. Which I was going to add to the CLX's and subs to turn into the Neoliths.

Instead I went for a whole replacement purchase with little else to do down the road. Mind you shortly after ordering the owner of the empty lot next door gave me an offer I could not refuse, which gave me the chance to turn my car-port into new sound room. If this had happened before ordering I would have stuck with the first plan. As for not going with the A-200s I wished to keep future options open. I went with Accuphase because this is a final long term purchase and what better choice than these guys. I will be in the ground and the Acc. will keep on going.

Maybe you are not knowing of TorusPower, these are for the most part isolation transformers. At first I was going to get 2 of them as you did but when the order was place I would have had to wait 2 months to get them. But they had a RM-75Bal sitting on shelf which they gave to me for around $8k and they retail for near $12k. Being an Electronic Eng. and Industrial Electrician rewiring was not an issue. I too may end up going to an isolated grid but will wait and see if I feel this is required. At this time I will due a Wenner soil-resistivity test to decide how best to proceed. At my panel at present I am testing in the 20-25 ohm range which is a little high. One would like to be in the 5 ohm range ideally.

I have heard good things about your cables. The top Acc. are close, as I said they do not sale or can get them hear. But because I am a bit of the Accuphase Poster Child hear in Canada for the 2017th year and threating to do sale elsewhere they brought them in for me. It is a little too early to tell but may likely feel they are good enough. Always good to hear of what others are doing. I just do not have the chance to sample as everything is special order. Which is why I post to get a feeling or pulse if you will. Again thanks for your time.  

Hey tecknick

Went AA and now I feel like I belong to a club over there thanks for the info. Still I find things hear to be more down to earth and a little less lofty if you will. Any rate thanks for the writings. 

I agree with your assessment, I have emailed the owner several times and received one response and that was it still alot of good info to be gained. Computer Audiophile is another one.

Hi tecknik

I will check them out, never heard of them before. What a sheltered life I must be leading. I will get on page, thanks again for response.