Recommend a budget floor standing speaker less than $1,000

Looking for suggestions for a floor standing speaker that blows you away with it's value.  
Fire away!
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I've recommended this on this forum before. They can't keep this kit in stock,  its an outstanding value for $1500... It needs a good minimum 40 to 50 watts per channel in a normal sized listen room... They really need something capable of 4 ohms.
Oh, but its under $1000.  Looking is free.
My Tekton Lore Reference are astounding for $750/pair. He has a couple other models that fit that range as well. Pair them with an EL34 based integrated and you will be in heaven for a very low price.
The best options I can think of :
Q Acoustics 3050
Wharfedale Diamond 230
Cambridge Audio Aero 6
Monitor Audio Bronze 5
I think it's a no-brainer. These Revels, if you live locally.

I am not in any way affiliated with this ad, but if I lived close these would be mine.