Sony KD-34XBR960 or Sony KDS-R50XBR1?

Both of these HD TV's has received very high praise from many different publications, and have won editors choice awards on CNET, etc.
I was just wondering if anyone has owned both the Sony KD-34XBR960 34" direct view CRT HD TV and the new Sony KDS-R50XBR1 50" SXRD LCoS HD rear projection TV, or compared them head to head?
If so, which has the superior picture, best blacks, best resolution, and best color accuracy?
Any comments or comparisons between the two would be greatly appreciated.
A CRT TV, and certainly a Sony CRT, will always be superior to a rear projection TV when considering black levels, contrast and color accuracy.
I just asked in my own post under opinions on LCD's, PLASMA and DLP heading about the Sony 60 inch version of the KDS. The picxture on the 60 and 50 is unbelieveable. I haven't seen a current CRT better than these 2.
We all see TV displays according to our subjective likes and dislikes, so I'm certainly not going to question anyone's personal preference.

Network television production is my profession. Television networks and professional broadcast facilities use Sony and Panasonic CRT displays for reference monitoring of their video programming. I don't know what higher recommendation there can be for a superior quality video monitor.
I own the 30 inch version of the Sony CRT set.
It has a very good picture for DVDs and regular
broadcast TV. The little high-def I've seen on it
looked very good but my indoor Terk antenna can't hold
the signal so I never use it ( yes, I align it with a compass).
I've also seen the SXRD models at Best Buy.
I wouldn't hesitate to purchase the SXRD except that
Sony decided to NOT LET IT ACCEPT 1080p INPUTS!
Gad, how could they decide to do this when their high def
(1080p) DVD players are mere weeks away from rolling out?
Will they come out with Mk-II versions for 1080p?
This is FUBARed to the point of unbelievability.