Word of advice on upgraditis improvements

I currently have Sony 55" SXRD DLP (HDMI), Denon 2105 (85x7, non-HDMI), and the early 90's model Polk LS 90 towers, CS 350 center, and M3 surrounds; no sub at this time. I would like to move on up to separates, but not sure if I can swing the cost for the bigger boy toys with HDMI capabilities. My question is: Would I see and hear more improvement if I move to a receiver w/HDMI capability and decent power (Marantz 7002 or 8002 is something in mind) or move up to used separates here from an Agoner but only able to jump up to non-HDMI pre-pro and amp (Anthem AVM 30/A5 something in mind) and just run RCA interconnects and just plug and play HDMI straight from Blueray and Cable directly to monitor (with the option to upgrade AVM 30 to the 50 HDMI version at a later date). Any helpful advice would be greatly appreciated. If you would like to throw out some sub suggestions with any options, that would be helpful as well.

Thanks in advance,
Going to separates will give you a more dynamic, richer sound than you will typically get with a receiver. I have a non-HDMI home theater setup and it sounds terrific. I did as you suggest and ran the video via HDMI out to the HDTV and I use the pre-pro/amp to drive the speakers.

I recommend you take a look at the Emotiva.com site for *excellent* value on HDMI-capable pre-pros as well as multi-channel amps for real-world prices. In addition, you'll get a 5 year bumper-bumper warranty. Look at the MMC-1 pre-pro and the XPA-5 multi-ch. amp. You could put together a *killer* system (200W/ch. - 5 channel, awesome pre-pro) for right around $1400.

Also, check out the EmotivaLounge.com for deals on gently used gear. Here's a link to someone selling their top-of-the-line pre-pro and a 7 channel amp for $950 - a smokin' deal. He says he wants someone to pickup in Jersey, but I bet a $50 incentive would get him to work with you on that aspect. This is really good-sounding gear and a steal in today's market...


Best Wishes,

One more plug here for Emotiva - check right here on Audiogon. There is an LMC-1 pre-pro along with a 7 channel (125W/per) amp for a total of $710 + shipping. This combo will *crush* your Denon, no contest...

Thanks RW. That's what I was kind of expecting. I read a post shortly after I posted mine and figured out there might be a decent amount of folks that still do their audio separate with tradition interconnects and do straight plug and play with their HDMI sources directly to their monitor. Keep the suggestions coming.