Word of advice on upgraditis improvements

I currently have Sony 55" SXRD DLP (HDMI), Denon 2105 (85x7, non-HDMI), and the early 90's model Polk LS 90 towers, CS 350 center, and M3 surrounds; no sub at this time. I would like to move on up to separates, but not sure if I can swing the cost for the bigger boy toys with HDMI capabilities. My question is: Would I see and hear more improvement if I move to a receiver w/HDMI capability and decent power (Marantz 7002 or 8002 is something in mind) or move up to used separates here from an Agoner but only able to jump up to non-HDMI pre-pro and amp (Anthem AVM 30/A5 something in mind) and just run RCA interconnects and just plug and play HDMI straight from Blueray and Cable directly to monitor (with the option to upgrade AVM 30 to the 50 HDMI version at a later date). Any helpful advice would be greatly appreciated. If you would like to throw out some sub suggestions with any options, that would be helpful as well.

Thanks in advance,
Ended up getting a good deal on an AVM 30 and took the plunge. I hope I made the right decision. I am running my Musical Fidelity A5 integrated through the AVM 30 right now with just stereo at this time. Looking for suggestions on 5 channel amp for HT setup. Right now interested in Anthem A5, Parasound Halo 51 or 52, or Rotel 1095. Little advice would be helpful. Thanks in advance.

Anthem is a great preamp IMO. Just wish it had HDMI 1.3 upgrade option. Considering getting a sub at the same time as the amp. You will be able to live with a small multi-channel amp as a result. I had Anthem MCA-5 w/ Anthem AVM20 and I don't think all the powers are needed since I always had a powered sub. So quality over quanity.

Had a HSU powered sub and currently use Martin Logan Grotto (due to size consideration) Need to hide it inside the theater wall cabinet.
I have an Anthem AVM 50 and an Anthem A5 (180W all channels driven). I love this set up. I'm currently looking into blue-ray and, of course, hdmi 3.1.
I may be mistaken, but I think the AVM50 only does 1.1 hdmi-bummer.
I contacted Anthem and they said just get a brp that does the processing of Dolby tru hd and dts hd and run it through the hdmi switching. No mention was made of 1.1 or 3.1. Research goes on.
Hope this helps some.