New Plasma: 1080p or 750?

I'm breaking down and getting a new flat screen. A friend of mine suggested the Panasonic 42" Plasma with 1080P. But then he also says, most HDTV signals only broadcast in 750 and only some games and Blue Ray signal in 1080P, and that TV won't get to 1080p for years. Is that right? if so, no sense paying an extra $100 or more for a 1080P. Also, is LG as good as Panasonic? thanks
It's a function of the screen size and viewing distance. I sit 15' away from 65" DLP RP, and I can't reliably distinguish 720p and 1080p. On a 42" display you'll need to sit real close to distinguish 720p and 1080p. I would guess no more than 5ft away.
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If your going to watch Blue Ray movies and play games get 1080p LCD and get the fastest refresh rate you can afford. Be very AWARE of the GLARE issues with Plasma if it is going to be in a room with multiple windows.
If you use a computer with your TV, then 1080p is worth it. But for anything 50 inches and smaller, 1080p is hard to distinguish between 720p or 1080i. But everyone wants it it seems.
I did a lot of research before I recently purchased a 50" Plasma and the consensus of reviewers was that you couldn't tell the difference on TV programing. I decided to go with the Pioneer 50" 720 but could not get a decent price from Best Buy [ it was always on sale last week or would be again soon]. I ended by getting a Panasonic 50 from Costco. I am very happy with it. I paid $1200 for it compared with $2200 the Pioneer would have cost. Costco also doubles the warranty to 2 years and offers in home service at no cost. They use a special model number but it appears to be exactly the same as the top end 720 with the non reflective screen, a feature apparently no longer offered. Cnet offers some very good reviews and tests , I found it very helpful.