What speaker cable made a major difference in the sound quality of your speakers??

I am curious what speaker cables made a big "jaw dropping difference" in the sound quality of your current speakers.  What most impressed you about the difference;  that is, overall musicality, tighter, deeper bass, midrange clarity and soundstage depth, etc.etc. 

Keep the price of the speaker cables chosen or auditioned at  between $800- $1000 or  from  $1000-$1500. Was the cable bought new or used??

  Thank you,   SJ

My experience between the Clear Day Double Shotgun vs. the Morrow SP7 runs different than yours, likely due to different systems, I'm guessing.  I found the SP7's and the Clear Day's both to provide a somewhat recessed presentation, but the SP7 just sounded mechanical and phasey in the upper mids/low treble in my system at the time (EAR 890 driving Vandersteen Quatro's).  Mike Morrow generously doubled my trial time to allow for complete cable break in, something he said these really required.  I ran them in with music playing through them for easily over 700 hours, but I still found them wholly uninvolving, and even weird sounding.  I will write it up to a "system dependent" interaction issue.

For the record, I listen to the full range of music from classical symphonies and chamber music to jazz, to rock and EDM and everything in between.  The Clear Day's definitely sounded better to my ears, and that is what I bought from this shootout (even after Mike offered to sell the cables to me at 1/2 of the 30% off price that I originally was to pay).

The nice thing is that both Morrow and Clear Day allow for home audition before committing, so why not try them?
I use Clear Day Double Shotguns in both of my systems listening to jazz, rock and classic r&b - sounds good to me across all 3 genres.

I"ll also second Silnote Audio IC and digital cables.

Use Audio Art power cables

I wasn’t clear enough , I don’t think Clear Day is an "in your face" cable, just more so than SP-7 .
I use AA on every thing for Synergy , where they shine is coherence and harmonics and a very deep and tuneful bass with no "boom" . Best female diva , choral and opera I've heard to include 6K worth of MIT .
The Vertere Pulse D-Fi interconnect and Snaics together with the Pulse X mini loudspeaker cables, into a all-Naim system.
Warmth, detail, coherence, richness, natural voices and not trace of dullness or artificiality. The whole set (the 'SNAICs' are the two special ICs connecting power and signal to and from the PSU, the preamp and the power amp) cost me something like £1550 (loudspeaker cables were 2 x 6 mt).
Nothing I've heard or owned has had a 'jaw dropping' effect to me, but they have my total respect. Made in London, UK.
When I went from Omega Micro Planar 1s copper ribbons which were a significant improvement over the many different cables I've had in the past to Omega Micro Planar 2 copper ribbons. What's the difference? In a nutshell greater resolution, leading to more accurate tone, better separation of voice and instruments, more realistic sounstaging and imaging and greater overall resolution of detail. This cable is decidedly not a "tone control" as some cables clearly seem to be to me. It is a conduit to allow more of the music through. I have found Nordost cables to have similar qualities as well.