Placement tips for Synergistic Research HTFs

I just bought 15 HTFs and will also be making about a dozen of Ozzie's homemade models.  While I will re-fresh myself with SR's placement tips, and I get that I will have to do some experimenting to tailor the HFT effect to MY listening room; are there any "Advanced HFT Placement Tips" some of you would like to share with us?  Something that might be overlooked by many of us?  Or maybe, just a good rule-of-thumb tip for someone just starting to use these?
The tips could be tips for bring out more highs, solidifying the bass response, placement hi vs low, in front of vs behind speakers, on side walls, at reflection points, behind the listener, on the ceiling above the equipment or above the listener, on the equipment.
Any ah-ha that you would like to share?  I would also be very interested in hearing from people using Magnapans.


I am glad you keep those compresses on hand. I would not like to hear you had a medical emergency. Lol.
You guys just made me actually chuckle. Thanks.

I finally got the brass bowls in the mail. I put them in some 3/8" copper plumbing caps.. tight fit, had to use a bench vice to push the bowl into the cap.

Gotta say, I was very sceptical about these HFTs, DIY or not, but they do seem to have an effect. I have lots of experimenting​ to do.

Geoffkait, you did refer to a wavelength range a bunch of posts back. I'm not about to wade through all of the bickering you and Sabai do to find it, but I believe you said 1/8" - 3"
Todd, hi, it’s kind of a long story and I hesitate to answer your direct question regarding wavelengths for that reason. I’m afraid you’ll have to sift through the thread to find what it is I said. I prefer not to *compress* all my words, which I chose carefully, into a simple sentence or two. I don’t mean to be Mr. Mysterioso but would it help if I said every dimension is a wavelength of something? And all wavelengths have corresponding frequencies, too. If it helps you any, disregard Sabai’s posts since they are almost all some sort of personal attack.

I can't tell if I understand what the dickens you're talking about. I feel like I do, but then you make comments that make me question if I do. So then I think you may be assuming things about my knowledge.

I understand waves. I understand they can travel through different forms of matter and energy. I understand that certain wavelengths and their multiples are affected by the dimensions of structures. So, what am I missing? Or am I just not putting the pieces together correctly?