Burmester or Pass?

Hey guys just looking to bounce this off the community for some feedback...

I have an opportunity to grab a Burmester 911 Mk.3 or a Pass X350.8 -- both about the same price but the Burmester is 13yrs old (with apparently 10hrs usage if I am to believe what I'm told). Pass comes with factory warranty. We can throw in a pair of Bryston 28B3 monoblocks too, for sh*ts and giggles. Will be driving a pair of Focal Scala Utopia's.

The age + price of the 911 Mk.3 has me leaning toward the X350.8 right off the bat. The X350.8 seems to be getting lauded with accolades but the 911 is considered by many to be one of the best designs ever. The 911 seems overly expensive on paper... but it's about the sound in the end... that damping factor certainly has me intrigued.

Am I crazy to pass up on a 911 Mk.3? Or is the best bet to stick with the Pass? Just looking for some fellow enthusiast opinions...
If you are cleared by the EEs here that both would drive the Scala Utopias, then your decision has to be made on the basis of the sound.  Can you get the Burmester at a price that would allow you sell it  if you don't love the sound? It appears to be a bit old for a very high price, no matter where they start, and no I  don't trust that it is virtually NOS.
The Burmester may eventually have to be biased. It tends to drift over time and there is a specific procedure to do so. Getting service for a used Burmester amp might prove to be difficult. Pick the Pass or Bryston.