Tekton Impact

The Tekton Double Impacts have been receiving rave reviews, including here on AG. Has anyone heard the smaller, lighter, less expensive Impacts? How do they compare with the larger DIs?
I also have no way to hear the DI's. I would love to hear a pair if anyone is near Maryland or D.C. Mark Schneider has some Tekton speakers In his listening room. I'm trying to get him to get a pair of DI's so I can hear them.
Electrons are brand new. I received I think what is the 4th pair this week- blown away. Got all the upgrades- it is the mini me of the DI vs the impact being that. Everything sounds right with these speakers- hard to explain, but the home theater review review is spot on. 

Love these, no more switching. 
The Impacts are rated to 30hz and to my ears do very well on the bottom end. The reason I have always used a powered subwoofer is to obtain a full range system since I listen to organ music. Also, I feel that supplementing the bottom end with a powered subwoofer allows the amp to work a little easier and more transparent. Picking up from about 7hz in room to 30hz gives me the "slam" I desire, also including loudness control.
I believe the DI's would add to my enjoyment with there additional mid and treble drivers, but may overload my room in the bass region without the ability to adjust for bass volume.

Were you able to determine which model of Tekton speakers Mark had in his showroom? Just curious as after I experienced my Impacts I contacted him to inform of the results using the Microzotl2 in combination. His opinion of the Tekton speakers  in general was the significant cause for initially trying the Impact model. He had not heard any of the new patented models.
Congratulations on your new purchase. I would guess you will be captivated for many hours of future discovery. Certain expletives may escape suddenly during pleasurable surprises of real instrument outbursts. That type of occurrence was common for my first listening session, which began about 6:30 pm and finally forcefully ended at 4:15am the following morning. Or... maybe I'm just a fanatic.
Listen intently!!!