Tekton Impact

The Tekton Double Impacts have been receiving rave reviews, including here on AG. Has anyone heard the smaller, lighter, less expensive Impacts? How do they compare with the larger DIs?
Congratulations on your new purchase. I would guess you will be captivated for many hours of future discovery. Certain expletives may escape suddenly during pleasurable surprises of real instrument outbursts. That type of occurrence was common for my first listening session, which began about 6:30 pm and finally forcefully ended at 4:15am the following morning. Or... maybe I'm just a fanatic.
Listen intently!!!
You are very welcome. The most enjoyable factor of using 1 watt is receiving a notice from the electric company showing my monthly use as the most efficient in my area. All while enjoying the superb level of immersed sound experience! 
One other mentionable note is how quietly the Impacts play while retaining the full fabric of intricate details being easily released. Such is the case all the way down to the off threshold. Quite amazing for late night listening when all of my siblings are at rest.
Powerglide- Everything sounds fantastic through these. I have been through Zu's, B&W's, Klipsch, Energy, and Aperion's, these are the end of the end for me. I cannot imagine loving a speaker more.

Everything just sounds absolutely right. 

I think the biggest difference is a truly revealing speaker that isn't harsh that just happens to also fill a very large room with open ceilings/floor plan with fantastic sound. I don't feel like the sound is coming out of the speakers and even at low volumes, everything is there. Extremely happy.
Powerglide, I'm not sure what model Mark has. They are small/mid towers and I didn't see them on the Tekton website so maybe discontinued?