What speaker cable made a major difference in the sound quality of your speakers??

I am curious what speaker cables made a big "jaw dropping difference" in the sound quality of your current speakers.  What most impressed you about the difference;  that is, overall musicality, tighter, deeper bass, midrange clarity and soundstage depth, etc.etc. 

Keep the price of the speaker cables chosen or auditioned at  between $800- $1000 or  from  $1000-$1500. Was the cable bought new or used??

  Thank you,   SJ

Totally agree Todd.  It's just how human beings work.  Not limited to audio cables. It's true of all of us but especially when we consider ourselves "philes" of any kind. But hey, if you enjoy getting into the mystical nuances of subjectively undectable sonic details and it's worth it to you to do so, then have a blast, I don't really care.  But maybe someone reading this forum does.  After all, this is a place to buy things we otherwise couldn't afford new and so I assume getting ripped off is more painful for those buying here than those with the money to buy new at appointment only audio shops. Your mileage may vary.  Try doing some well controlled double blinds though if your confident.  Just a thought. 
  . . . then have a blast, I don't really care.
Will do!  But, then again,  I never really needed your permission.
C'mon.  I'm not really the kind of guy who is into giving or not giving permission.  Do what you want. I do have opinions however.  You guys are too touchy.  Have a coke and a smile steakster.    
I am about 240 hours into the Clear Day Double Shotguns after removing older Audioquest all copper Earth series cables from my system.  The "heaviness" of the AQ cables' contribution to the overall sound was obfuscating the transparency that the rest of the system was capable of delivering but not with THAT much copper as I had two pair of the Earth biwiring my Vandersteen Treo CTs.  

As usual John Rutan from whom I purchased the Treos warned me that I had too much cable for the speakers and as usual he was dead on.  Hearing into the soundstage now is so satisfying.  Hearing subtle details that were masked by the overly "bassy" sound before the Clear Days makes listening to even very familiar tunes an experience of rediscovery. To be clear, the Clear Days are reproducing bass just fine...the key is they're not overproducing it to the detriment of the music.

And yes, as virtually every Clear Day poster has mentioned, Paul Laudati is a true gentleman and will want to counsel you about how his cables might fit best with your system.  Listen to him.  From my experience, he does really know his product and how it is likely to interface with your components and speakers.