Racks: Box Funriture vs Sistrum

Does anyone have experince with both brands?
I am deciding to buy either one for my equipment and I am curious with their performnce.
Thank you.
Just a note to myself. The flat footers that came with the Box Furniture rack sound better than the chunky and shiny stainless steel(?) spikes. The flat footers sounded more natural and more musical.

Based on my experience with audio points I can only echo what the poster above said about my speakers now being much clearer and sounding "louder" and that is only using the audio points themselves.  I would expect that the Sistrum stands would be materially better.

And yes, Star Sound is alive and well as always - in fact, Robert is developing some custom audio points for me as we speak for my upcoming speakers.

Those of you that had better sound with the Box Furniture flat footers vs. the spikes, can you tell me if your system is on carpet or some other hard surface?

Thank you......getting a new Box rack this week. 

Hi labpro,
I see that you have already gotten the BOX Furniture.

I have tried both the spikes and flat footers on the same parquet floor in my room.  The flat footers sounded better to me. With the spikes on, it sounded "liveless" to me;  a lesser "music".

I wonder what your experience is. Thank you.
My Box Furniture rack is on a carpeted floor so I am using the aluminum cone footers.  In my case, the rack makes my equipment sound more lively, not less, compared to the solid wood furniture I used before.  That is probably the biggest difference I noticed.