Proac Rake angle?

With the D48r, and my current listening chair, with the speakers perfectly level, my ear is at the top of the surround of the top woofer, instead of tweeter level.  I'm assuming that this is not allowing me to get the best tone and image out of these speakers.  I have some outriggers on the way that will allow me to adjust the rake angle more easily.  But I'm not sure if tilting this speaker back to get the tweeter to fire my ear will actually be completely beneficial.  Would this skew the crossover alignment?  Would I be better off trying to find a chair to get lower? Any experience? 
You have to experiment to find out what works best. I would start by moving your head up and down and see what happens.
I agree with sfall. I would keep them level and get a different chair if you determine the height makes a difference requiring remedy.
In my limited experience, although I've been impressed with some speakers that have utilized rather noticeable rake angles, I've found no improvement by changing that on my own speakers. But I have found most speakers sound best to me a bit higher up than is commonly recommended. (I'm just under 6')

As the M-T-M design of the D48R may limit the vertical flexibility of speaker/seat placement even more, you may find it worthwhile to try it out.  (The advantage being less overall room reflections, I believe.)