Question for BPT owners....

I am about to install a BPT 2.5 into my system for balanced power. I currently use a Furman Elite 15pfi for everything except my amp. As I was sitting in my living room just now my entire household power flickered and then went out for about 15 seconds before coming back on. This doesn't bother me too much because I know the Furman will protect my equipment. Can anyone tell me their experience with loss of power with a BPT unit in their system? I know they draw lots of power on start up so how does that affect equipment plugged into it? TIA
Falconquest and Charles, thanks a lot for the help.  I did speak to someone at Equitech on the phone at one point and he was very helpful and knowledgeable.  I will call again before I take a next step using the number you gave me. Sorry indeed to hear of Mr. Glasband's difficulties.   I am glad to hear that your friend had a good experience with the Son of Q.  I have been thinking of the 1.5RQ as it goes straight into the wall without any need for a special 20 amp socket or anything.  The discussion of the BPT here got me very curious as to what they do differently from Equitech. I will also learn something about what balanced power does for my system when my vintage BPT two outlet 2.5 amp balanced unit with 3 additional isolated outlets arrives next week.  Again, many thanks.

I have a BPT2.5 balanced unit that I got used here on Audiogon. I don't have the instructions as I got it second-hand and apparently came without any instructions. On another thread I read that one should only connect components to it with three pronged plugs.

So I have a question for anyone who can help. Is it safe to use it to power Synergistic MPCs and FEQs which have two pronged plugs, but do also have separate 3 prong plugs solely for grounding that are plugged into a separate socket altogether for improved sound and presumably better grounding.

Perhaps I should contact Synergistic?  Or is there someone who knows something about BPT who might be able to help?

Thanks for any help. 

I can't speak to your particular device but I have my Sonos Connect plugged into my BPT and have had no issues. Remember, you're getting clean AC power out, that's it.
Thanks for the response Falconquest.  I assume the Sonos has  2-pronged plugs?

Actually, I have been using it for my Synergistic 2-prong plugs and everything works well.  I have read in a blog here and perhaps elsewhere too that one should only use 3-prong grounded devices with balanced power in general.  So while the Synergistic devices are grounded, they are grounded separately via a 3-prong plug that is plugged into a distributor that plugs directly in to the wall.  I am wondering that mode of grounding is OK.
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