Apartment Dweller's Paradise - The Ideal 2 ch. system?

We've had really great threads on Audiogon so far, so I'd like to keep the ball rolling.

One subject rarely covered enough in the music world are systems that are specifically for apartment dweller's. These systems are more modest in size and cost. Dolby Atmos? Forget-about-it!

How would you put together a system, under $10k, soup to nuts?

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Unfortunately, the ideal apartment system may be modest in size, but not in cost.  I think the best small system I ever heard consisted of the Magico M1s (20k+), Viva Solista (20k+) fronted by a used Linn CD12. Amazingly good.
Man, you guys have a lot of rent money. :)

The Magico M1S really is at the very top of physical size I would be able to keep in my apartment.


Please keep things in balance, part of the goal of this is affordability. If you can buy a $100k stereo system, I doubt you are living in a small apartment.